Jeff Robbins

Jeff RobbinsI have always loved photography and being able to capture a special moment in time. However my photography experience began out of necessity when my youngest daughter was a High School Cheerleader.

The senior cheerleaders were charged with creating scrapbooks for the senior football players. I didn’t have a camera that would capture action shots or provide a good picture. So I invested in a 35mm Canon Rebel. This was before the digitals took off.

Over time I have upgraded my equipment several times and taken some classes to improve my knowledge of different aspects related to photography. While I still love the challenge of capturing the action shots I also take portraits in my home.

Photography is a great ministry opportunity to those who don’t have the resources and time to invest. I enjoy being able to share my passion with others and I know they appreciate the effort. It also allow me to create relationships, that otherwise would not have existed.