Community is Alive and Well at The Restoration House

Community Life

One definition of community is “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.”

Our team recently spent the day with the mother-lead families at The Restoration House. I can tell you first hand, that these families, and the team of people who invest their lives in them, are one of the best examples of true community that I have seen in quite some time.

It was obvious that these ladies stood beside one another in their everyday lives. They showed their community driven hearts by caring for each other and by working together in a team-like spirit. The children in these families are also being shown what it is like to be raised in the love and safety of a strong community. It was not unusual to see one mother help another mother with her children when the need arises. They were not asked. They would just step in and lend a hand. Community!

We were there in a support capacity. The Crosslight photographers offered their gifts, talents and time to provide The Restoration House with photographs that show what life is like within their community and to provide these families with the gift of family portraits.

The funny thing is that we walked away at the end of the day feeling very honored and blessed to have been able to walk alongside these families, even if it was for a only a few hours. We were invited into their community as if we were part of the family. You don’t find that very often these days and it is like a refreshing breeze when encountered.

Thanks again to The Restoration House for letting us be a part of your community for the day and reminding us what the word community truly means!